The Benefits of Ginger

By LoRayne Haye M.S/C.C.N.
Nutrition Director

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) has a long history of use as a ‘universal medicine’. The Greco-Romans, Chinese and Indians all utilized ginger as a spice in their cooking and therapeutically as a medicine. In Sanskrit the word ‘shringavera’ means horned body of which the Latin name Zingiber was derived. Eventually, ginger found its way to England with the name evolving into ‘gingifer’ and a final evolution into just ‘ginger’, the name we know today.

Properties of Ginger
The Rhisome (underground stem) is the part of the plant that is harvested for use in cooking and as an herbal medicine. This is the portion of the plant that contains high amounts of iron and calcium along with 600 other constituents such as gingerol and paradol. Gingerol is a powerful anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory. Numerous clinical studies have substantiated the validity of the claims (Careddu et al 1999) demonstrating that standardized ginger extract is more effective as an anti-nausea motion sickness preparation, than Dramamine with better tolerability and fewer side effects.

Gingers Numerous Health Benefits

Supports healthy digestion, offering 180 times the protein digesting power of papaya

Soothes nausea & motion sickness. Acts directly on the G.I tract and not on the C.N.S.

Contains at least 12 Anti-aging constituents that inactivate free radicals

Reduces inflammation -cardiovascular, joint & gastrointestinal

Enhances natural resistance to cold and flu

Twenty-two known constituents inhibit inflammatory 5-lipoxygenase

According to the German Commission E, patients with Gallstones, patients who are taking blood thinning medications should consult their physician or health care practitioner prior to taking ginger.

Dosage recommendations:
Crude/Fresh Preparations: 2-4 g. daily (Blumenthal et al 1998)
Powdered Dry Extract: 500 mg. 30 minutes before travel and then 500 mg every 4 hours until the end of travel (Reibenfield 1999, Borzone 1999, Tenne 1999)
Tincture: 1:5 (g/ml), 1.25-5.0 ml 3 times daily (Blumenthal 1998)

Ginger -Spearmint Tea

2 Peeled Slices of fresh Ginger root
1 Spearmint Tea Bag or 3 Sprigs of Fresh Spearmint
¼ tsp Stevia powder *Nu Naturals
1 Tsp. Fresh Lemon Juice

Place Sliced Ginger, Lemon & Stevia into a teapot. Add hot water and spearmint tea bag. Enjoy!

LoRayne’s Ginger – Berry Oatmeal *Amounts will vary depending on the individuals needs.

½ Cup Oats
1 Cup water
3 Slices fresh Ginger root
2 Tablespoons Fresh or Frozen Blueberries
½ Tablespoon Flax Oil
½ scoop J. Robb Vanilla Whey Protein Powder
¼ Tsp Stevia Powder *Nu Naturals *Or 1 Tsp. Maple Syrup

Bring 1 cup of water to a boil. Add oats & ginger root. It’s best when the oats still have some firmness. This allows the body to absorb them at a slower rate. In addition, combining the flax oil & whey protein
Powder will enable a much slower rate of absorption.

Lemon -Apple – Ginger Juice

5 Organic Gala Red Apples
½ Lemon (include the peel)
2 large slices of Fresh Ginger root

Makes 12 oz. *the amount can vary depending upon the size of the apples & lemon.

LoRayne Haye M.S. C.C.N. is the Founder & Nutrition Director of Eating-4-Energy a nutritional consulting firm located in Encinitas, California. She has developed nutrition & fitness programs for five star luxury spas including Cal-a-Vie and The Golden Door. She is a noted author, public speaker and frequent radio guest throughout the U.S and continues to be sought after by private and corporate clients for nutrition and wellness program development.

For more information
® Copyright 2008 LoRayne Haye Eating-4-Energy

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