Add Ginger Spice to Your Life – It’s a Powerful Anti – Oxidant, Anti – Nausea and Pain Relieving Spi

By Susan Bozeman

Ginger is native to China and India, the word deriving from Sanskrit meaning ‘with a body like a deer’s antler’. Ginger’s shape reminds me of another root that is commonly sold in our supermarkets that can be prepared like potatoes, but obnoxiously produces such awful flatulence as to have made it totally banned in our home: Jerusalem artichoke. I digress.

Ginger spice was so popular in Europe that it was often provided in containers like salt and pepper. In England, the-epicentre-com says that pub owners and innkeepers provided small containers of ground ginger for customers to sprinkle into their beer, the original ginger ale!

Interestingly, the most searched-for ginger topic on Google seems to be a pornographic star with the first name of Ginger! That is probably due to a combination of things, maybe red hair, often called ginger hair, or that she spices up men’s lives.

Ginger Root Properly Called Ginger Rhizome:

Regardless of popularity, we will speak here of the rhizome, Zingiber officinale, the ginger spice commonly used to make gingerbread cookies, ginger tea and flavor Asian cuisine and sauces. A rhizome is an underground stem, not a true root. If you were to dig up the whole ginger plant, you’d see fine hairs that feed the rhizome – those are ginger’s real ‘roots’.

As an aside, these rhizome nodule clumps are called ‘hands’ and that is how they are shipped to your grocery store, in clumps which you purchase by weight. You can break off a nodule, skin it and slice it thinly or finely grate it for additions to sauces or soups. Asian cuisine often calls for its use fresh, while many western recipes call for dried, ground ginger. Continue reading

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Marlenetini – Ginger Ale Drink Recipe

Cocktail with Ginger Ale, Vodka and Pineapple Juice.

  • 1 splash Ginger Ale;
  • 2 1/2 oz. Vodka (Your favourite);
  • Juice (To taste).

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How to Make Pickled Ginger

Gari (ginger)

Gari is a type of tsukemono (pickled vegetables). It is sweet, thinly sliced young ginger that has been marinated in a solution of sugar and vinegar. Young ginger is generally preferred for gari because of its tender flesh and natural sweetness. Gari is often served and eaten after sushi, and is sometimes called sushi ginger.
When traditionally prepared, gari typically has a pale yellow to slightly pink hue from the pickling process. Only very young ginger will develop the slight pink tint. Many brands of commercially produced gari are artificially colored pink (often by E124 and/or beet juice), either to intensify the color or because the ginger used is too mature to turn pink upon pickling. Continue reading

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The Benefits of Ginger

By LoRayne Haye M.S/C.C.N.
Nutrition Director

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) has a long history of use as a ‘universal medicine’. The Greco-Romans, Chinese and Indians all utilized ginger as a spice in their cooking and therapeutically as a medicine. In Sanskrit the word ‘shringavera’ means horned body of which the Latin name Zingiber was derived. Eventually, ginger found its way to England with the name evolving into ‘gingifer’ and a final evolution into just ‘ginger’, the name we know today. Continue reading

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Ginger For Nausea?

Ginger has been used for centuries by various cultures as an alternative medicine. Ancient Greeks used it to aid digestion. For more than 2000 years the Indians have used it as a home remedy. The Chinese has used this herb as a medicine for thousands of years. Today it is highly esteemed for its healing benefits worldwide.

Ginger is an antioxidant very rich in manganese, copper, vitamin B6 and magnesium. It is believed to be more powerful than Vitamin E. This herb is also found to contain gingerols the anti-inflammatory compounds. The gingerols found in this plant have anti-inflammatory properties to fight inflammation. This inflammation is believed to lead to the development of ovarian cancer cells in women. At the Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research meeting in 2003 it was reported that this herb has the ability to inhibit the colorectal cancer cells forming in humans. Continue reading

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Ginger and Turmeric Can Cure Many Health Problems


Ginger has many health benefits. If you are suffering from indigestion, gas problem, cough, cold then you can make a paste(chutney) of ginger with little salt and use it daily or you can put a small piece of ginger in your mouth and chew it.

Ginger along with honey can cure cold, breathing problem. It can also be taken in case you have toothache. Continue reading

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Captain Ale – Ginger Ale Drink Recipe

Cocktail with Ginger Ale and Captain Morgan’s Parrot Bay Coconut Rum

  • Ginger Ale;
  • 2 oz. Captain Morgan’s Parrot Bay Coconut Rum.

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Christmas Juice Punch

Non-Alcoholic recipe

  • 2 bottles Ginger Ale;
  • 2 quarts Cranberry Juice;
  • 2 quarts Apple Juice;
  • 1 cup Lemon Juice;
  • 1 cup Sugar.

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Changuirongo – Ginger Ale Drink Recipe

Cocktail with Ginger Ale and Tequila Silver

  • Ginger Ale;
  • 2 oz. Tequila Silver.

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Carry Nation Punch – Ginger Ale Drink Recipe

Non-Alcoholic recipe

  • 2 bottles Ginger Ale (Chilled);
  • 3 cups Lemon Juice;
  • 1 quart Orange Juice;
  • 1 cup Sugar Syrup;
  • 1 cup Pineapple.

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